
Categories of Presentation

Category 1:Submission for the 56th Symposium on Glasses and Photonic Materials.

Oral and poster presentations are held.

Oral presentation

Invited talk: 40min. including discussion. Contributed : 20 min. including duscussion.
Poster presentation with mini- oral presentation (several min.).
Only poster presentations are possible.

Category 2: Introduction of products and technologies in companies etc.

Only poster presentations are held.

Category 3: Introduction of laboratories in academic organizations and public ressearch institutes.

Only poster presentations are held.

Submission for Presentation

Those who wish to make a presentation in the symposiums must submit a completed application form to the secretariat by e-mail, or send an e-mail in which the following matters are included.

[1] Author names (please mark the presenter by *).
[2] Affilations of authors.
[3] Address, phone number and e-mail address of presenting author.
[4] Category for presentation.
[5] Title of presentation.
[6] Abstract less than 200 words.
[7] Choice of presentation form, Oral, Oral(English session) or Poster.
Because of time contraints, there may be cases that we simply meet your request.
[8] General or Student
[9] Attendance to Banquet
* Items [6] and [7] are required for only category 1.

Deadline of Submission (Extented)

14th September, 2015 (closed)

E-mail address
(please change (at) to @ when you send an e-mail.)

Please fill "Submission for the 56th symposium on glasses" in the subject line of the e-mail.